Hunting & Fishing on Stamps


Welcome to the world of Hunting and Fishing depicted on stamps and some other philatelic and collectable items.
This unique Collection has been going on for more than 30 years and is constantly replenished with new exhibits

Today it consists of 30 Albums with 1,013 individually designed Display Sheets 
where you will see Hunting and Fishing on:

4,448 Mint Stamps

369 Miniature & Souvenir Sheets and Blocks

13 Stamps Booklets

9 Stamps Presentation Packs

211 First Day Covers

86 Maxi Cards

11 Proofs

188 Post Cards

58 Post Envelopes

129 Postmarks

7 Stamps Sheets

38 Phone Cards

23 Bank Notes

78 Commercial Cards

4 Calendars

34 Matchbox Stickers

15 Lottery Tickets

2 Poster Stamps

49 Cigar Bands

30 Hunting & Fishing Licenses

In total the Collection consists of about 5,802 exhibits. 

Some of them have been issued at the end of XIX - middle of XX Century and have a high Catalogue value.

Enter the Gallery here or choose Albums that you'd like to see

Prehistoric Hunting Native Spearing and Shooting Fish
Native Hunting & Safari Native Net Casting and Set Net Fishing
Game Hunting Native Fishing Methods
Wild Bird Shooting Freshwater Angling
Trapping & Fur Industry Fly Fishing
Falconry Game Fishing & Game Fish
Hunting Guns and Weapons Coastal Angling
Hunting Dogs Freshwater Fishing Societies & Champinships
Hunting in Art Saltwater Game Fishing Societies, Tournaments & Records
Whale Hunting Spearfishing
Stop Poaching Kids Fishing
Unusual Hunting and Fishing Fishing Hooks, Traps & Handicrafts
Fishing in Art
Fishing Pirrogues, Boats & Crafts
Fishing Industry
Fish as Source of Food & Seafood Gastronomy
Fishery Resources & Researches
Fishing Postmarks

If you have any comments or questions please e-mail me: